Factors Affecting the Development of Anxiety in Postmenopausal Women: A CrossSectional Study in Coastal Areas
FaktorFaktor yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Kecemasan pada Perempuan Pascamenopause: Suatu Studi Potong Lintang di Daerah Pesisir
Objective: To analyze factors associated with anxiety in postmenopausal women.
Methods: This study was descriptive analytic with cross-sectional approach conducted in 228 postmenopausal women that aged 50-64 years old in coastal areas of Kendari City. Samples were taken by simple random sampling. The technique of collecting data used questionnaires and the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale (T-MAS). Data were analyzed using Chi-square test with a significance value p ï‚£ 0.05.
Results: The results showed that 188 respondents (82.4%) had. anxiety. Its most experienced anxiety was aged 50-54 years old (37.7%), low education (96.0%), as housewife (62.7%), low income (91.2%) and lived with a partner (54.4%). There was correlation between anxiety with age (p=0.016), education level (p = 0.009), income (p = 0.011), and residence status (p = 0.029). There was no correlation between anxiety with occupation (p = 0.351).
Conclusion: There was a correlation between anxiety in postmenopausal women in coastal areas with age, education level, income, and residence status.
Keywords: age, anxiety, education level, income, postmenopausal women, residence status
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