Human Papilloma Virus16 and 18 Infection and the Cervical Cytology Changes in Combined Hormonal Contraceptive Users
Infeksi Human Papilloma Virus Tipe 16 dan 18 dan Perubahan Sitologi Serviks pada Akseptor Kontrasepsi Hormonal Kombinasi
Objective: To evaluate the correlation between HPV-16 and 18
infection and the cervical cytology changes among combination
hormonal contraceptives users.
Methods: A cross-sectional study involved 40 women using
combined hormonal contraceptive (oral or injection/DMPA contraceptive)
and 40 women of non-hormonal contraceptive users was
conducted in Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo hospital, some affiliated
hospitals of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty of
Medicine, Universitas Hasanuddin and a private clinic in Makassar
from November 2015 and April 2016. HPV 16 and 18 genotyping
in cervix using PCR method and cervical cytology changes using
liquid-based cytology (LBC) method were performed. HPV infection
and cervical cytology changes were analysis based on Fisher’s test
and chi-square test.
Results: A significant difference found only in parity (p<0.05)
between users and control of baseline characteristics. Neither users
nor control were significantly associated with HPV-16 and 18
infection and changes in cervical cytology.
Conclusion: Combined hormonal contraceptives are not correlated
with HPV-16 and 18 infection and changes in cervical cytology.
Keywords: cervix, combined hormonal contraceptive, human papilloma
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