Fetal Biometry Nomogram Based on Normal Population : an Observational Study
Nomogram Biometri Janin Berdasarkan Populasi Normal : Suatu Penelitian Observasional
Objective: To establish fetal biometry nomogram using percentile
method based on normal population.
Methods: A descriptive retrospective study in order to establish
fetal biometry nomogram using percentile method based
on normal population. Four fetal biometry measurement (BPD,
HC, AC and FL) was collected from ultrasonography examination
result in Fetomaternal Division Ultrasound Unit - Anggrek
Clinic and from medical record unit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
General Hospital, from January 2015 until April 2016. Data
being documented using case report form and being tabulated
using Microsoft Excell 2011 Version 14.7.0 (161029). All data
were analyzed using SPSS 20.0 dan Matlab R2016a.
Results: There were 6169 pregnant women underwent fetal
biometry ultrasound within January 2015 - April 2016. Based
on inclusion criteria, 2798 (45%) were eligible as research
sample distributed from 12 until 42 wga. Due to evenly distribution
data, 2205 (78%) were distributed from 20 until 40 wga
to develop fetal biometry nomogram. Most pregnant women
were 28.9 years old (SD  5.74) in range of 21-30 (55%) years
old. The youngest was 13 years old and the oldest was 45
years old. Four fetal biometry were collected and distributed
evenly using percentile method to establish fetal biometry
nomogram. As for estimated fetal weight curve was developed
by Hadlock C formula. Each biometry was calculated the 10th,
50th and 90th centile curves according to gestational age. Thus,
representing the fetal biometry and modified Hadlock C estimated
fetal weight nomogram based on normal population in
Conclusion: Each biometry and modified Hadlock C estimated fetal
weight were calculated in 10th, 50th and 90th centile curves according
to gestational age represent fetal biometry nomogram based on
normal population in Jakarta.
Keywords: biometry, estimated fetal weight formula, nomogram
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