Clinicopathological of Pre-Operative Thrombocytosis in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

  • Catherine Sugandi Departemen Ginekologi Onkologi, RSUD Dr Soedarso Pontianak
  • Widya Maulida Departemen Ginekologi Onkologi, RSUD Dr Soedarso Pontianak
  • Manuel Hutapea Departemen Ginekologi Onkologi, RSUD Dr Soedarso Pontianak



Objective: To investigate the clinicopathological of preoperative thrombocytosis in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer at dr. Soedarso Regional General Hospital Pontianak.

Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted over three months from January 2022 to March 2022, and bivariate analysis was performed using the Chi-Square test.

Results: A total of 28 subjects met the inclusion criteria, with 19 subjects had thrombocytosis (67.9%) and 9 subjects did not experience thrombocytosis (32.1%). Meanwhile, the results of the Chi Square Test showed a relationship between thrombocytosis and histopathological type in the subjects (p=0.036).

Conclusion: Preoperative thrombocytosis is associated with the histopathological type of epithelial ovarian cancer at dr. Soedarso Regional General Hospital Pontianak.

Keywords: epithelial ovarian cancer, histopathology, stage, thrombocytosis


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