Antepartum Perineal Massages is Effective to Prevent Intrapartum Perineal Rupture
Pijat Perineum Antepartum Efektif Mencegah Ruptur Perineum Intrapartum
Objective: To provide a summary of evidence about the benefi ts and effectiveness of perineal massage in preventing perineal rupture during labour.
Methods: Evidence-based review of research articles with an evidence-based level 1a.
Results: Intervention of perineal massage not only reduced the incidence of perineal rupture but also reduced the incidence of episiotomy requiring stitches, as well as reducing perineal pain after 3 months of postpartum.
Conclusions: Perineal massage intervention is an intervention that is easy to do, effective, inexpensive, and has the potential to benefi t more than the potential harm in preventing perineal rupture.
Keywords: intrapartum, perineal massage, perineal rupture.
Tujuan: memberikan ringkasan bukti penelitian tentang manfaat dan efektifi tas dari pijat perineum dalam mencegah ruptur perineum selama persalinan.
Metode: evidence-based review dengan level evidence based 1a.
Hasil: Intervensi pijat perineum tidak hanya menurunkan insiden ruptur perineum tetapi juga menurunkan insiden episiotomi yang membutuhkanj jahitan, serta mengurangi nyeri perineum setelah 3 bulan postpartum.
Kesimpulan: Intervensi pijat perineum merupakan intervensi yang mudah untuk dilakukan, efektif, murah, serta mempunyai potensi menguntungkan lebih banyak daripada potensi merugikan dalam mencegah ruptur perineum.
Kata kunci: intrapartum, pijat perineum, ruptur perineum.
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