The Menopausal Symptoms of Paramedics at a Tertiary Care Center
Gejala Menopause Paramedis pada suatu Layanan Kesehatan Tersier
Objective: To assess paramedic menopausal symptoms on the
inpatient unit and outpatient unit.
Methods: This was a cross sectional study. Data collect by fill the
questioner, the questioner fill by menopausal paramedic on Prof. Dr.
R. D. Kandou Manado Hospital from October 2016 to January 2017.
Data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 for Windows.
Results: Of 60 paramedics, 30 were divided to inpatient unit and
the other 30 were divided to outpatient unit. By the menopause
rating scale, somatic and urogenital complaint in statistical test
have no significant differences. Psychology complaint with a moderate
complaints on inpatient unit have 19 paramedic (63%) and
12 paramedic (40%) on outpatient paramedic, in statistical have
a significant differences (x2=9.62, p=0.022). On the total score
menopausal complaints, the moderate complaints 18 paramedic
(60%) on the inpatient unit and the minor complaints 21 paramedic
(70%) on the outpatient unit, in statistical have a significant
differences (x2=6.97, p=0.031).
Conclusion: There is no significant difference in somatic and
urogenital complaints on paramedic inpatient unit and outpatient
unit. There is a significant difference in psychological complaints
and total score menopausal complaints on paramedic inpatient
unit and outpatient unit.
[Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2017; 5-4: 208-212]
Keywords: menopause, menopause rating scale, paramedic