A Large Parasitic Dermoid Cyst in The Pouch of Douglas, A Torsion Complication?
Parasitic Dermoid Cyst in Douglas Pouch
To identify the underlying etiology of dermoid cysts in the pouch of Douglas.
Case presentation:
A 44-year-old woman presented to our clinic complaining of chronic, dull-aching lower abdominal pain of one-month duration. Pelvic ultrasound examination showed an eight-centimeter cystic appearing lesion in the right adnexa. Computed tomography (CT) suggested the diagnosis of dermoid cyst. Laparoscopy revealed a residual ovarian tissue on the right side and an eight-centimeter cystic mass occupying the pouch of Douglas. The entire specimen was removed en bloc through the umbilicus incision inside a bag with no spillage. Histopathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of a mature cystic teratoma.
Parasitic dermoid cysts are extremely rare entity especially those located in the pouch of Douglas. Autoamputation and reimplantation is the most accepted etiology to explain this phenomenon.
Key-words: Autoamputation, dermoid cyst, Douglas, Laparoscopy, Mature cystic teratoma
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